#MeToo 伊藤詩織さん、パリですべてを語る
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M:  会見はどうでした?
M: How did it go?

S: 司法記者クラブでは、やってもどのメディアも報じられない、やっても傷つくだけだし無駄と聞いていたので予想外に多くの記者とカメラがいて驚きましたが、落ち着いて話せたと思います。終わるとどっと疲れが出て倒れてしまい、食べることもできませんでした。
S:  Some journalists told me that Japanese media will not cover this story and I will be just waste of my time, so I was quite surprised when I entered the press room as there were many cameras and many journalists – more than I thought there would be. I think I was able to speak well enough, in a calm state of mind.
 The press coverage was presented in a very gossipy way. My family photos and information were published. I was receiving threats via email, Facebook messages, and phone calls, too. Every interview threw more and more questions about Mr. Yamaguchi at me; immediately after a particular interview, I collapsed and I couldn’t eat for 10 days…
 I was not in contact with my family for a long time – I wanted to protect them from the press, also they had been against me speaking out about this publicly.
The point of these press conferences, of going public and doing interviews, was to make way for a better future, to address legal issues and policy. The media outlets, however, continued to ask only about the rape and to sensationalize my case. I read horrible things about me online, and received even more threats. I started to fear for my own safety, as well as the safety of my friends and family; at one point I was too scared to step foot outside of my friend’s house. I didn’t know how to keep going, how long I could live like this. I thought my life was over. I felt there was no place left for me in society.
 But I eventually realized that I couldn’t give in; if I was going to work towards building a society in which we can speak openly about sexual assault, I wasn’t going to give up now. I didn’t want society or, the things we consider “taboo”, to win this battle; that would simply perpetuate and forgive sexual assault through the culture of silence. I made up my mind to keep speaking out. At this point, the need to share my experience and to express my resentment towards society far surpassed my anger for him.
 Some time had passed when a woman from a women rights organization in London got in touch with me and invited me to the city. That was my saving grace, I think. And just like that, I was jogging in London, a transplant in a city where no one knows anything about me. I felt human once more… that was a great feeling. I was anonymous. I started writing my book last July, during this time.

Interview: Mie Kohiyama  Photo: Justin Creedy Smith  Translation:  Reina Shimizu, Yoko Nagasaka  Coordination: Michiyo Yamada    

    SHIORI ITO/Born in 1989, Shiori Ito studied journalism & photography in New York. She is a journalist and a documentary filmmaker ; her work focuses mainly on social issues around the world. She is currently based in London.

    MIE KOHIYAMA/Born in Lyon, France. Journalist based in Paris. In 2015, her book, "le petit vélo blanc", was published by calmann-levy under the pseudonym Cecile b. This book discusses the post-traumatic amnesia she suffered from as a result of rape in childhood and her efforts to fight to change the current statute of limitation for child rape, child sexual abuse.

  • 伊藤詩織(Ito Shiori)/ジャーナリスト。1989年生まれ。「アルジャジーラ」「エコノミスト」「ロイター」などのメディアで主に映像ニュースやドキュメンタリーを制作し続ける。Channel News Asiaで放映された孤独死のドキュメンタリーでは監督を担当。NEW YORK FESTIVAL WORLD'S BEST TV & FILMSのファイナリストに選ばれた。またペルーのコカインジャングルでカメラマンとして携わったアルジャジーラの作品も同フェスティバルでファイナリストに選出。2017年10月、自身の性的被害告発を綴った『ブラックボックス』を発表した。現在BBCで日本の性暴力の現状についてドキュメンタリーを作成中。

    ミエ・コヒヤマ(Mie Kohiyama)/ジャーナリスト。AFP通信社などで記者として働く。1972年、日本人とフランス人の両親のもと日本に生まれるが、5歳で母親の出産にあたり預けられたフランスで親戚によりレイプされる。その後、児童レイプ被害から32年を経て突如襲ったPTSDによる解離性健忘と闘ったドキュメント『LE PETIT VELO BLANC』(カルマン・レヴィ社)は、心的外傷後ストレス障害を同国で一般的に広く認知させるきっかけのひとつとなった。現在はジャーナリズムと同時に、2017年3月に設立された未成年への性犯罪の時効延長を求める団体“ル・リュバン・ヴェール・ポム(アップルグリーン・リボン)”にも所属し精力的に活動している。











