#MeToo 伊藤詩織さん、パリですべてを語る
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M: その後どんな行動をとったの?
M: Can you tell us what happened next?

S: 事情を説明し、女性の警察官と話がしたいと伝えやっとのことで2時間ほど話したところ、交通課なので男性の警部補と話してくれと言われ、そうして別の男性担当者に話したら「管轄外だから、高輪署に行ってください」と。別の日に出直しようやく捜査官と話ができたのですが、彼は私の訴えを聞いた後に「これはよく起こることだから、捜査はできない」 と言ったのです。
S: I remember just walking into the police station and telling the receptionist that I want to talk to a female investigator, but he didn’t understand why, so I had to describe what had happened. I was eventually taken into an investigation room with a female police officer, to whom I told everything in great detail. It took me a long time to explain what had happened, and I had panic attack while trying to remember. After talking to her, she said, “I’m sorry but I’m from the traffic department” and she asked me to speak to a male investigator. So I did the same with him. He told me, “I’m sorry, but what happened to you didn’t happen in this neighborhood”. I was raped in Takanawa so they told me that I had to report the incident to the Takanawa police.
When I was finally given the chance to speak to the right person, he told me that “these things happen often and we cannot investigate each case in detail”.

M: よく起こるって、レイプが?
M:  By “these things”, did he mean rape? That rape is a common occurrence?

S: その通りです。無理だと言われたけれど「ホテルの監視カメラ映像が期限切れになる前に捜査してください!」と頼み込んだのです。捜査官も映像を見てようやく、何か犯罪が起こったのだと気づいてくれました。けれど、大手テレビ局支局長を訴えたら、あなたは二度と日本で働けなくなる。人生が水の泡になるから、事件にしないほうがいいと言われました。
S: Yes, that’s what he said. So I had to convince him to open an investigation, and I begged him to check the security cameras in the hotel before they would lose access to the footage. I knew which hotel I came out from after the incident, but I didn’t know how I got there as I’d lost all of my memory of that evening. I didn’t remember anything past entering a Sushi restaurant for dinner. Eventually, when he saw the footage from the hotel, the investigator began to realize that some criminal act had taken place.
 But he didn’t file a report. He told me that if I accused a high ranking TBS journalist, my life would be over and I would never be able to work, especially as a journalist, in Japan. He advised me to not to file the case.
 After various media outlets eventually reported on Mr. Yamaguchi’s demotion, and through further continuation of discussions with the police, they finally accepted my filed complaint at the end of April 2015. Looking back, it seems to me that the investigator was quite cooperative, and did a lot to help me out.

Interview: Mie Kohiyama  Photo: Justin Creedy Smith  Translation:  Reina Shimizu, Yoko Nagasaka  Coordination: Michiyo Yamada    

    SHIORI ITO/Born in 1989, Shiori Ito studied journalism & photography in New York. She is a journalist and a documentary filmmaker ; her work focuses mainly on social issues around the world. She is currently based in London.

    MIE KOHIYAMA/Born in Lyon, France. Journalist based in Paris. In 2015, her book, "le petit vélo blanc", was published by calmann-levy under the pseudonym Cecile b. This book discusses the post-traumatic amnesia she suffered from as a result of rape in childhood and her efforts to fight to change the current statute of limitation for child rape, child sexual abuse.

  • 伊藤詩織(Ito Shiori)/ジャーナリスト。1989年生まれ。「アルジャジーラ」「エコノミスト」「ロイター」などのメディアで主に映像ニュースやドキュメンタリーを制作し続ける。Channel News Asiaで放映された孤独死のドキュメンタリーでは監督を担当。NEW YORK FESTIVAL WORLD'S BEST TV & FILMSのファイナリストに選ばれた。またペルーのコカインジャングルでカメラマンとして携わったアルジャジーラの作品も同フェスティバルでファイナリストに選出。2017年10月、自身の性的被害告発を綴った『ブラックボックス』を発表した。現在BBCで日本の性暴力の現状についてドキュメンタリーを作成中。

    ミエ・コヒヤマ(Mie Kohiyama)/ジャーナリスト。AFP通信社などで記者として働く。1972年、日本人とフランス人の両親のもと日本に生まれるが、5歳で母親の出産にあたり預けられたフランスで親戚によりレイプされる。その後、児童レイプ被害から32年を経て突如襲ったPTSDによる解離性健忘と闘ったドキュメント『LE PETIT VELO BLANC』(カルマン・レヴィ社)は、心的外傷後ストレス障害を同国で一般的に広く認知させるきっかけのひとつとなった。現在はジャーナリズムと同時に、2017年3月に設立された未成年への性犯罪の時効延長を求める団体“ル・リュバン・ヴェール・ポム(アップルグリーン・リボン)”にも所属し精力的に活動している。











