#MeToo 伊藤詩織さん、パリですべてを語る
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Part 1: Seeking truth without support

ミエ・コヒヤマさん(以下、M): 訴訟を起こすのは大変な決断でしたよね?
Mie Kohiyama(M) : Was it difficult to decide whether or not to approach the police to file a complaint after you were raped?

詩織さん(以下、S): はい、とても難しかったです。当初は自分の身に起こったことにあまりにも混乱していたし、TBSのワシントン支局長だった山口氏を尊敬していたこともあり、ました。何がなんだかわからなくて、とにかく自分のアパートに帰って体を洗いたかった。実はこれが、証拠を消してしまう最もやってはいけないことだったのですが。とにかく、私はどうすればいいのか? 誰かに教えて欲しかった。
Shiori Ito (S) : It was a very hard decision to take. I was so confused about what had happened to me and I also had a lot of respect for Mr. Yamaguchi, who was the bureau chief for TBS in Washington at the time.
 It was very hard to understand what had just happened, but all I knew was that I had to go home and take a shower. This was, in fact, the worst thing I could have done because you lose all of the evidence you need, although I had evidence on my underwear…  I wish someone had told me what to do when these things happen.
 In school, they don’t teach you what to do after you face such circumstances. They simply tell you how to protect yourself, how to prevent yourself from ending up in such situations. So if you are raped or sexually assaulted, it’s very easy to blame yourself, to tell yourself that you weren’t able to avoid the situation, or couldn’t protect yourself. This is why it took me some time to fully realize what had happened – because I blamed myself.

伊藤さんが監督した孤独死のドキュメンタリー(CNAで放映)は、NEW YORK FESTIVAL WORLD'S BEST TV & FILMSのFINALISTに選ばれた。

M: あなたも多くの被害者と同じように「自分が悪い」と感じたわけね。その後なぜ、届け出たの?
M: It seems that you reacted like many other rape victims do: they feel guilty and place the blame on themselves. How, then, did you get to the point where you contacted the police to file a complaint?

S: 日に日に体の痛みが増していったからです。アフターピルを飲みましたが妊娠の恐怖が頭を離れなかったし、膝の関節がずれベッドから起き上がるのも辛かった。
 でも、事実に蓋をしたら私の何かが捻じれてしまう、と気づいたんです。ジャーナリストとして真実を追うのに、自分の真実からは目を背けるのか? このとき、事件を公にしよう、警察に届けようと思ったんです。
S: I decided to take action because, in the days after the incident, my body started to hurt more and more. My kneecap was dislocated. It was hard to get out from bed, both physically and mentally. I was also constantly haunted by my fear of an unwanted pregnancy, even though I had taken the morning-after pill.
 I had already known how much of a male-dominated society the Japanese media industry is, having worked in various companies as an intern in the past. I had known that my aggressor was connected to powerful politicians, including the Prime Minister, and I didn’t think anyone would believe me.
 I was about to finish my studies and graduate from university, working towards my dream of becoming a journalist, when it happened. At the time, I was looking for a job in media, and I thought this was the norm, that this was what happened regularly in this industry, in our society. 
 Having grown up in Japan, this experience made me think that maybe this is the way that this society works; we just have to bear the violence.
 But I knew I was going to feel twisted inside if I tried to put a lid on the truth. I also realized that if I couldn’t face my truth, I would have no right to be a journalist. Taking away my dream meant that I had no reason to live. This is how I decided that I would have to talk about what had happened, and this was the moment I decided to go to the police.

Interview: Mie Kohiyama  Photo: Justin Creedy Smith  Translation:  Reina Shimizu, Yoko Nagasaka  Coordination: Michiyo Yamada    

    SHIORI ITO/Born in 1989, Shiori Ito studied journalism & photography in New York. She is a journalist and a documentary filmmaker ; her work focuses mainly on social issues around the world. She is currently based in London.

    MIE KOHIYAMA/Born in Lyon, France. Journalist based in Paris. In 2015, her book, "le petit vélo blanc", was published by calmann-levy under the pseudonym Cecile b. This book discusses the post-traumatic amnesia she suffered from as a result of rape in childhood and her efforts to fight to change the current statute of limitation for child rape, child sexual abuse.

  • 伊藤詩織(Ito Shiori)/ジャーナリスト。1989年生まれ。「アルジャジーラ」「エコノミスト」「ロイター」などのメディアで主に映像ニュースやドキュメンタリーを制作し続ける。Channel News Asiaで放映された孤独死のドキュメンタリーでは監督を担当。NEW YORK FESTIVAL WORLD'S BEST TV & FILMSのファイナリストに選ばれた。またペルーのコカインジャングルでカメラマンとして携わったアルジャジーラの作品も同フェスティバルでファイナリストに選出。2017年10月、自身の性的被害告発を綴った『ブラックボックス』を発表した。現在BBCで日本の性暴力の現状についてドキュメンタリーを作成中。

    ミエ・コヒヤマ(Mie Kohiyama)/ジャーナリスト。AFP通信社などで記者として働く。1972年、日本人とフランス人の両親のもと日本に生まれるが、5歳で母親の出産にあたり預けられたフランスで親戚によりレイプされる。その後、児童レイプ被害から32年を経て突如襲ったPTSDによる解離性健忘と闘ったドキュメント『LE PETIT VELO BLANC』(カルマン・レヴィ社)は、心的外傷後ストレス障害を同国で一般的に広く認知させるきっかけのひとつとなった。現在はジャーナリズムと同時に、2017年3月に設立された未成年への性犯罪の時効延長を求める団体“ル・リュバン・ヴェール・ポム(アップルグリーン・リボン)”にも所属し精力的に活動している。











